CRank: 5Score: 12100

Who can blame them?;)

6093d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope so,the more great games coming out this year for the PS3 the better,poor Xbox fanboys will probably cry themselves to sleep everynight if Crysis does indeed come out for the Playstation 3:)

6093d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

DMC4 on the PS3 will have ZERO load times,repeat ZERO load times,oh and before you say it you can always delete the saved data or upgrade your HDD hardrive

Anyways,I can't wait to download the demo next week,and pick up DMC4 for my PS3 next month!:D

6094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

3 years for what?for a game that barely supports 4v4 matches with unbelievable lag?no thanks,I prefer my online matches big(60 people big),and of course lag free

6094d ago 11 agree13 disagreeView comment

Wow this guy is so in denial that it's not even funny

HD DVD is dead,there's no denying that

6094d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You know what's funny?Gears Of War 4v4 online with lag LMFAO!XD

6094d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who needs Resistance 2 when we got Huxley?any one?any one?!poor Xbox fanboys look so foolish when they try to put down any PS3 game,Resistance 2 is a day one buy for me and it should also be a day one buy for all you PS3 owners also;)

6094d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

The PC version of Left 4 Dead will be the best version just like Bioshock and Gears and all future so called "Xbox 360 exclusives"

6094d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I own a PS3 but I am def. picking up a Wii this year for SSBB and Mario Kart,PSWII FTW!:D

6094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow just look at the PS3 lineup,HOT!

I am getting a Wii this year when SSBB comes out,that game is going to kick a*s!

Oh yeah Xbox 360,Alan Wake,awesome *sigh*

6094d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow way to promote the next Blue Dragon and Two Worlds on the Xbox 360

6094d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

The first one was mediocre you say?you clearly haven't played Resistance on the PS3 then,Resistance is a blast to play both online and off,and Insomniac has NEVER failed to impress so it is safe for me to say that Resistance 2 is a day one must buy for me:)

6094d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Short answer:NO!

Simply because the PS3's lineup is TOO strong,a few good examples would be MGS4,Killzone 2 and LBP.What does the Xbox 360 have,Huxley?Lost Oddysey?Viva Pinata?LMFAO!XD

6094d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Crackdown Xbox 360 ring a bell?Halo 3 beta people,Halo 3 beta,and at least this is a Twisted Metal game,a proven series/franchise,not some superhuman secret agent crap game like crackdown

Anyways,whatever Jaffe comes out with is bound to be good,I mean come on,the guy created God Of War,Jaffe is the man!:)

6094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HD-DVDs are still good,good for nothing...Blu-Ray FTW!

6095d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Shaftage alert,shaftage alert!

6095d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Go play your g*ya*s Viva Pinata on your Unreliablebox and STFU

6095d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lost Oddysey will be just as bad as Blue Dragon and Two Worlds on the Xbox 360

6095d ago 17 agree13 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for Army Of Two(PS3),White Knight Story(PS3),LittleBigPlanet(PS3 ) and Dark Sector(PS3)


I know they are multiplatform,i'm just saying that I will be getting them for my PS3

6095d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bioshock was a great game and I really enjoyed playing it on my PC.I really hope it comes to the PS3 so I can get it for the PS3 and so that other PS3 owners can enjoy Bioshock as well,but If it doesn't happen,I suggest you buy/build/upgrade your PC and get Bioshock for the PC,whatever you do,just don't buy an Xbox 360 or expect to send it in for repairs and it will scratch all your game discs

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment